.. and back we are in India with this new entry, but fortunately this time with a different story - one that talks about Compassion in Action. It's the tale of a group of people that decided it's time to roll up the sleeves and do something for all the animals that seriously need help in the neighborhoods of Udaipur.
"Animal Aid Unlimited is a US-based 501(c)3 charitable organization that runs a busy animal hospital and shelter in Udaipur, Rajasthan India, where ownerless street animals are rescued, healed, loved, and returned to the neighborhoods from where they came.
Animal Aid’s mission is to both bring relief to suffering animals, and to awaken compassion among people. Showing everyone a path for action is where we begin."
When you visit their website you will get to know some of the people that are working together to bring a better chance of life to all these beautiful and sweet animals, from professional vets to all the P.W.V.B.H. (People With Very Big Heart..) that volunteer at the hospital and shelter.
These are beautiful stories of animals that from a life of pain, sufferance, food deprivation and fear, got to know a better way through the deep love and compassion of a few committed men and women. Not only to these less fortunate residents the help needed is given, but also to all the local cases brought to their attention - size or number of legs doesn't matter as they all deserve a chance at Animal Aid Unlimited. Through various programs they bring first hand help, awareness and solutions on what can be done for preventing animal suffering, locally and globally.
The following is just a little selection of the 'happy ending' stories at Animal Aid Unlimited.....
“Scout came to Animal in January 2008. He had been attacked by a dog and had many deep wounds. Scout was extremely frightened and in a lot of pain, but after spending time with the staff and volunteers, Scout learned he no longer needed to fear, and he began to trust, receive love, and give love in return. He recovered from his wounds and was released back into the neighborhood where he came from. We don’t know why, because it is fairly rare that bigger dogs attack young ones, but he was attacked again, and this time his injuries are so severe that he is now unable to use his back legs, and will live the rest of his life with people who love him in the company of safe dogs in the middle of a world where he feels loved."
"Raju came with massive electrical burns on his face, and that’s why he looks so strange. His little nose was burned right off. He’s blind. He lives in a caged home that two donors (Pia and Klaus Jacobsen) built for him in 2004. He’s a macaque (red-faced) monkey from North India, and we know he was illegally poached and assume he was forced to perform for money on a chain. But the owner couldn’t use him after his injuries and abandoned him in Udaipur; we received an emergency call from someone who found him laying listless with infected burns all over his face and hands. We don’t know any more than that. Raju needed eye-drops many times during the day, and absolutely hated them. But he recovered all his strength and began playing as soon as we provided him the space to do so. He is not a tame monkey; he doesn’t want to be handled. What he DOES enjoy is harassing dogs that are tied near to him, and he loves his friend Selki (a male monkey. “Selki” means girlfriend. Readers can interpret this as liberally as they may. More on Selki in another story.) Please, if you’ve always wanted a monkey, now’s your chance. Raju needs more friends and you can send him your blessings every day, mysteriously hidden in fruit and vegetables that your donation helps us provide."
“Thomas was a baby donkey who had been tethered leg to leg with plastic packing tape which severed the tendons in his hind leg and permanently disabled him. He has lived in Animal Aid since 2004. Since baby donkeys are extremely fuzzy and affectionate, Thomas never wanted for affection and play from humans, and if ever an animal thought he were a person, it would be Thomas, who sits together with you at mealtimes, relaxes over a newspaper with you during a tea break, follows you through your daily duties of feeding the dogs or other animals, and generally fulfills the highest notion of what it means to be a “companion animal.” That term is usually used in reference to dogs and cats, but anyone who has ever spent time with other species knows that even wild animals are our companions when we live in harmony with them. Thomas is always cheerful; his sweetness accompanies him everywhere, and brightens the day of anyone who has the good luck to pass a few moments with him." .... more stories HERE
It always brings a warm smile in my heart when reading these positive and hopeful stories, i hope it brought it to you as well. If you can help Animal Aid Unlimited with a donation or by spreading the word out, all the critters will certainly be so grateful!!! They are always in need of donations for the hospital and shelter costs, every little amount counts so don't be shy - even that ten euros bill is greatly appreciated, Thank You! :o)
It personally saddens me to see this news coming from India. What you read next is what happened only few months ago.......
"India is the only country in world that provides in its Constitution for mercy and care of the animals.... BUT ......
Here's proof that the Meerut administration has unleashed shocking brutality on the stray dogs in the area to protect & shield the ILLEGAL CATTLE SLAUGHTER HOUSES.
For the government of Uttar Pradesh state, India and its functionaries it seems like a perfect solution that people are venting out their anger by killing ALL and INNOCENT dogs. It suits the bureaucracy as it does not to bother the SLAUGHTER HOUSES and STOP the EVER FOURISHING TRADE OF Illegal CATTLE MEAT INDUSTRY in Meerut.
In a tragic incident, a five-year-old boy who had gone out in search of his mother in a field, has been attacked and bitten to death by a pack of street dogs at Kazipur, Meerut. As a result the villagers are eliminating each stray by brutally killing them.
They are ostensibly 'remedying' the situation that led to death of two children in village Kazipur, Meerut, allegedly due to stray dog attacks. In fact, there is an illegal abattoir in village Kazipur, which is violating every possible norm - pollution control, animal waste disposal, etc. Apparently, 5000 animals, mainly cattle, INCLUDING COWS are slaughtered in the abattoir every day - and then, the animal parts that are not used, and blood, bones, etc., are all allowed to flow into an open nullah adjacent to the abattoir, that flows through village Kazipur and beyond. The strays of the area feed on these animal remains as a consequence ; or attacked children who ventured too close to the nullah that is their food source."
please continue reading HERE and check the included details on how take action.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated... I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man". Mahatma Gandhi
These monkeys are suffering hell on earth. Have u ever tried to imagine how could it feel to have your brain opened up, with people making experiments on yourself - while you are still in your own body and totally conscious of what's going on ?!?! Conscious of all the pain and suffering that they are inflicting upon you... Nowhere to escape, nowhere to get some compassion and care from...
Did You Ever Give A Thought To That ?!?! it cannot just leave you untouched.........
The Mazor breeding farm currently holds 1,000 long tailed macaque monkeys. Some of these monkeys were wild caught on the island of Mauritius, while others were born in captivity. Mazor is a link in the chain of cruel trade in which monkeys are forcibly removed from their natural environment then flown thousands of miles in small cages to laboratories or breeding facilities. These animals will have been separated from their family groups, the young brutally separated from their mothers.
Mazor is little more than a monkey breeding factory, whose manager considers the monkeys to be "production units" whose sole purpose is to increase profits, through the sale of the offspring to laboratories. To further increase profitability, the young are separated early from their mothers, allowing these females to mate as soon as possible. Early forced separation is traumatic to both the young and the mothers. These mothers will cry out and cling in desperation to the bars of their cages in a vain attempt to look for their young. The young who have been moved to a separate enclosure, will in turn look for their mothers and display signs of severe distress. Not all of these animals will survive this difficult transition and some will die.
Those who survive will have their chests tattooed with a four digit serial number and then be sold to laboratories in Europe, the US and Israel. Every year, hundreds of these terrified young monkeys will be forced to travel huge distances in tiny crates to faraway destinations, to a fate worse than death, which awaits them. Each of these "units" will fill the pockets of the breeding farm manager to the tune of $2800.
A fate worse than death
The vast majority of these young monkeys will be sold to laboratories that specialize in toxicology (poisoning tests). Among the clients of Mazor are Covance (Germany) , the Swedish centre for Biological studies, as well as laboratories in the UK, Belgium, Italy and the US. The monkeys will be housed in miserable conditions and will undergo toxicity tests in which they will be injected or force fed with drugs and other chemicals. Most of the animals will die during these tests, and those who survive will be killed at the end of the experiment.
Most of the monkeys sold to laboratories within Israel will undergo invasive brain experiments. These experiments involve water deprivation, immobilization in a primate chair for extended periods of time, surgical removal of the top of the skull, and implantation of equipment in the skull and the brain itself. These types of experiment typically last several years, after which most of the monkeys will be killed. In rare instances, individual monkeys are released and allowed to undergo rehabilitation in sanctuaries. This is a relatively recent phenomenon and is due in large part to public outcry.
Last July, Behind Closed Doors together with other animal rights' groups, called on the Minister of Environmental Protection to withdraw the Mazor trade licence (import and export). The Minister is currently studying our written proposal and is expected shortly to announce his decision.
We would like to ask you to please write a polite message to the Minister, making clear your views that the Mazor monkey breeding farm must be closed down:
Here is a pre-written letter (Feel free to use it or writte your own):
_______________________ _______________________
Dear Minister,
We are aware of your efforts to close down this facility, that breed monkeys for the purpose of being experiment in laboratories in Israel top Universities and around the world.
'Mazor Farm' (Israel) is located at 'Moshav Mazor' and been managed by Dr. Moshe Boshmitz and by CEO of 'Smile Media'- Eli Holtzman is raising over 1000 monkeys in order to sell them to laboratories where experiments in Israel and abroad are expected to have a life of suffering, torture, loneliness and pain.
One of the main things that make this life worth living,
is to help alleviate and end the suffering of innocente beings,
no matter in what shape and form they came to express their soul on
this planet. In particular this Blog is an attempt to drag attention
on the Animal World, to sensibilize and motivate people on taking
action against suffering and abuse of animals,
in every possible field - from vegetarianism to pet and fur trade et cetera.
1person+1person+1person+1person+1person+ 1person+1person+1person+
....Makes The Change !!!
Animal Voice is NOT about sharing cute fluffy pictures of animals to make your day go pinker... you'll see some of these photos and stories too, and they are there to give us strength to go on for our MAIN MISSION, that is to correct what's being done wrong. To bring awareness on all of the stories and realities that you ain't gonna see in the front page of any mainstream magazines or channels, HERE we are dealing with what is being hidden, HERE we are dealing with what should never happen but it does, and you can change things only when you are aware of it. Only when you are Aware of it.
So if you wanna be part of this, you are welcome.
You are welcome to enjoy the sweet things, but we need you here MOSTLY to help with the dirty work. We are dealing with the 'dirty work' here and we need people who are ready and willing to help out and get their hands dirty too... cause we all know the best satisfaction we might have after all this, is to know a life, any kind of life, have gained something out of our work. In many cases their life itself.
The aim is to reach as much people as possible, because the animals need every little bit of help that they can receive!
The contents of this website are for information purposes only. They should not be used to commit any criminal acts or harassment. Names and/or facts published in the Animal Voice blog have the sole purpose of informing members of the public about the current situation related to animal conditions - in order to allow people to voice their concerns and carry out protests in a legal manner.
Also, this blog claims no credit for most images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail kiaraganesha@gmail.com with a link to the said image and it will be promptly removed.
Once again: Nothing contained on this website is intended to encourage or incite illegal acts.