This is Charlie
He's not like other cats
He has Cerebellar Hypoplasia
In other words his motor skills aren't so "hot"..
But he loves to play!
Hang out with his friends
And watch the world go by....
He's in no pain
Requires no special care
And has a normal life expectancy.
Since most people don't know
About Cerebellar Hypoplasia,
Cats like Charlie are
Needlessly destroyed.
If you have a kitten that
Shows symptoms like
Charlie's, ask your vet for
More information.
If they're anything like
Charlie, they just might be
One of the best cats
You've ever had.
Check the next link to find out more about Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia: The CH Kitty Club
What is Cerebellar Hypoplasia?
The cerebellum is the portion of the brain responsible for the control of motion. When a puppy or kitten is born with an underdeveloped cerebellum, the condition is known as congenital cerebellar hypoplasia.
There are infectious causes of this condition in both cats (panleukopenia infection prior to birth) and dogs (herpes virus infection prior to birth). Improper development of the cerebellum may occur due to injury, poisoning or just from an accident in development in the uterus. It is generally possible to see signs of this condition almost as soon as the puppy or kitten is born. Affected animals have tremors and unusual jerky movements or may fall down when they try to move.
The symptoms do not get worse as they age. As the kitten or puppy grows it will learn to compensate for its condition but there are usually lifelong signs of a decreased ability to coordinate movement. Almost all dogs and cats with congenital cerebellar hypoplasia can live happily as pets with a little special care to compensate for their disabilities. This condition can be confused with cerebellar abiotrophy, a different disorder in dogs in which the puppy has a normal cerebellum at birth but it gradually dies. Signs of disease identical to cerebellar hypoplasia occur but the timing is different. Puppies with this condition seem normal at birth but usually start to show signs of problems after they are 2 months or more of age.
How do cats cope with it?
In humans, the problems would be significant disabilities. CH cats don't worry over their inability to do things in the same way or at the same speed as other cats. Spastic cats can do everything other cats do and are equally independent - they climb fences, play and performs daredevil feats, though they can be alarming to watch, especially as they teeter along a fence. Occasionally they slip, catch hold with their claws and haul themselves back up again; make sure there are soft plants to cushion any fall! Like disabled humans most won't want to be overprotected, but in the same way that disabled facilities are made available to humans, some thought needs to be given to toilet facilities, access to favorite spots etc to ensure their well-being.
It is not advisable to give a spastic cat free access to outdoors as their mobility problems, perception problems and possible sight problems makes traffic doubly hazardous to them. If you have an enclosed garden or a cat harness and leash they can have access outdoors. Many people are unaware of the condition and people who see these cats twitching on the path outdoors sometimes try to help the 'injured cat', but the cat's crazy zigzag run confuses most pursuers - they simply don't end up in the place they appeared to be heading for (one more reason roads pose such a threat, a driver who tries to avoid the cat cannot compensate for the cat ending up in the wrong place). Even birds are caught unawares by this zigzag approach and I know of spastic cats who are reasonable hunters, exploiting this element of surprise. CH cats are extremely independent and owners report that affected cats usually have "sunny personalities", but some allowances still have to be made.
A caring owner can think of other ways in which to help a disabled feline companion, but beware of being overprotective. A disabled cat still requires some semblance of independence to allow it to fulfill that inner 'catness' that we love in our feline friends. Most seem unaware of their disabilities and they do not expect life to make allowances, but a helping hand and some adjustments to their lifestyle and perhaps your own lifestyle will ensure a disabled cat has a healthy, happy and safe life.
(full text available at ---> "Cerebellar Hypoplasia")

THANX thats intresting to know my inbred kitten has feline celebellar hypoplasia and is doing ok she is so sweet you wouldnt find many cats as nice and sweet as her .
Thank you so much, I didn't know what was wrong with our kitten until now. The film on Charley was very touching. "Squirt" is very precious, independant and outgoing and so loving! My son fell in love with her and she now has a great home with him.
Our 12 year old cat "Tim" is proof that a cat with hypoplasia can lead a long happy life. We adopted him a year ago from a shelter where he had spent the majority of his life> No one wanted him. I couldn't love him more and he now rules the house just like our other two cats.
I rescued a 2 week old kitten that I suspect has CH although the vet told me he might outgrow it. He's about 4 weeks now. So far Ive been unable to interest him in the litter box or any other food except the bottle. Can anyone advise? Am I starting too early with him? Thanks for any help! He's adorable!
Thank you so much for posting this video up along with information on the condition. I have a 3 month old kitten that I just recently brought home, and she has the same condition. She's just so loving, and when I saw her shake and fall over, I became very worried thinking it was some kind of bad disease. But I found this video along with other information, and spoke to my vet about it, and he confirmed the condition. My little Maya will have a wonderful life and be spoiled rotten of course just like she deserves to be after her rough start in life.
Audrey, you deserve a lot of credit for rescuing your little kitten and being prepared to bottle feed him. Yes you are probably starting too early with the solid food and litter. Also, you are a bit handicapped that mom is not around for the little guy to copy. Usually it's best if kittens stay with mom until they are 8 weeks. By that time they have learned all they need to know from watching and copying her. But at 4 weeks the kitten is not ready to master grown up stuff like litter boxes and solid food. He's still just a baby.
I just adopted an 11 month kitten with CH, Taylor, and it's one of the best things I ever did. She's so happy, settled in really well with the other kitties and esp the dog! She's deaf and I think she also has some visual problems, but her sense of smell more than makes up for the rest. When she eats the food goes flying but I think most is getting in...she has adoptive siblings who are very attentive to the food bits she scatters. Her gait is better than expected, almost a swagger with her zigzag and with her head bobbing, all she needs is an IPod! Her foster mom told me she was slated for euthanasia at the pound, which is how she came to them...I wish the person who made that determination could see her now!
I told a local vet (and old school guy) about our "Mimah", and he said she needed to be put down! Needless to say I never went back to him again! She looks just like Charley cat in her gait, and is absolutely fearless when attacking the poor bug or mouse that gets in her grasp.
I just made sure that we let her keep her claws untrimmed and had carpet on the stairs for her own safety, to prevent falls. We keep a folded towel close by to protect our laps!
She has been a source of inspiration for me after I was diagnosed with cancer. I couldn't feel sorry for myself after watching her bravery in living happily with CH every day.
Thanks for wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing.cats
This article shed a lot of light on our Benny Boy. He was one out of 5 in the litter and the only one affected by this. He has no idea that he is "handicapped" and runs lopsided and pounces on the other cats as if he's just like them. Thank you for the information.
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful video and information. I have a cat who was vaccinated by a vet when she was not supposed to have been vaccinated and now two of her kittens have this. It breaks my heart and makes me so mad that someone I should have been able to trust with the health of my cat cuased her babies to have this condition. BUT both kittens are getting AMAZING homes with people who will love them and care for them "special needs" and all. I could not even imagine putting them to sleep and it saddens me that people do that or that vets suggest it. So again, THANK YOU for this video and the great info!!!
Hi there. I am the owner of the CH kitty Club, and just wanted to let you know that the link is not working, please make sure it is
Also, we now have a monthly newsletter at this link:
One column we do is called "Wobbley Bloggin" and I am always looking for people with CH blogs, if you're interested in this blog being in the newsletter, please email me at
We found "Luckey" who was abandoned by his mother shortly after birth in 1997. We fed him with a syringe and rubber tube for days before starting him on solid food. He was able to climb our carpeted stairs just fine. He overcame his CH disabilities by adapting to his surroundings. He was buy far the most loving cat I've ever had. He passed away on April 24, 2011. I would adopt a CH cat in a heartbeat.
I am REALLY glad I found this blog. While looking to share our love and adopt a second cat I found a pair of young cats at a local shelter but they both have CH so I was unsure. Although I am still a little unsure I am leaning much more towards adopting the two little girls.
Thank you for posting this. I have had a cat for 2 years and no vet could tell me what was wrong with him. (As I have started Vet Tech school) I started doing some research and I am sure this is what my cat suffers from. He will not jump, I dont think he trusts his own vision or motor skills. He is in indoor cat, and we are overprotective of him. But he is otherwise normal. I have noticed some backend muscle and vision deterioration in the past year. But we love him the way he is....
Courtnay, New York
Nicole, this is so kind of you! Did you actually adopt them?I am sure they are 2 cute little angels who deserve a chance! :)
Thanks so so so much for the information on your blog, on the subject of Cat Cerebellar Hypoplasia! I was told a little about the condition by a vet friend, when my cat was wee, but only now found this information: my cat behaves as if blind, and often crashes into things, and slips or falls, but is mostly fairly compus-mentus. I am glad to know that she is not in pain, at least.
I have 2 5 month old kittens from a friend and I'm wondering if the male one is mildly CH. He had a problem birth and spent the first 2 1/2 weeks on his back. He walks normally but all of a sudden falls over esp when excited. Bless him he also isn't the cleverest cat in the world and only seems to learn by copying the others. But he is growing normally and so very affectionate. Can any please tell me is CH likely? I've been so worried about him and the vets are useless.
My beautiful ch kitty, ebony has my heart. I had her & her sister, inky, who is normal, spayed 2 weeks ago. Inky has done wonderfully. Ebony did the 1st week after, but now seems to be lethargic & only wants to sleep. I had so thought she was rebounded from surgery beautifully, but now I wonder if something has gone wrong? Overprotective mommy? or a legit reason for worry?
I had my CH baby girl Ebony spayed 2 weeks ago. She did beautifully the week after, but this 2nd week just wants to sleep. She's eating, drinking, & eliminating, but afterwards heads right back to her "bed". Has no interest in what is going on like she used to. Overly worried for nothing?
The brain stem in not properly developed either. The cerebellar vermis is the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling balance and coordination. Common symptoms of Joubert syndrome include abnormal breathing, unusual eye movements, unusual tongue movements, lack of muscle tone and occasionally, seizures. The disorder can be detected during a prenatal ultrasound, but genetic testing is not an option. Once the disorder has been diagnosed, treatment options include physical therapy, speech therapy, auditory training and apnea monitoring. Some children with low muscle tone can find relief in water therapy as well.
we also have a cat with CH. He occasionaly has seizures where he is on his back biting his backside until his seizure stops. Any help would be great.
We just launched a new site: WOuld you be interested in exchanging links?
My wife and I love your site. We just launched a site dedicated to feline cerebellar hypoplasia at We would be interested in exchanging links.
My wife and I love your site. We recently launched our own at We would be interested in exchanging links with you.
I have been blessed with a CH pup. There were 2 in the litter my little guy the worse of the 2. At 6 wks I was spoon feeding him and holding his head to drink. He did have a seizure after his first round of shots. The vet advised to not let him reproduce (which I wouldn't) but to not have him nuetered, as he probably wouldn't make it out of surgery. He has no clue he is different from our other rescue animals. Don't know if it would have the same effect on CH cats, but when Freddy gets into his big sister Bella's catnip, you would never know anything is wrong with him. The only draw back is it physically wipes him out when the effects wear off. This little guy is 9 mos old now,and 5 lbs. He wears a harness because collars cause more issues. God bless all who are special enough to have been chosen for these special angels
My little luteniute Dan was born with cerebellar hypopalsia and has the most darling personality even though he can't get around like the other cats, he still loves playing and running around and enjoys life even though he's different , he surely doesn't mind it
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