Thai elephant Mosha got a new leg!

"Mosha, now three, was only seven-months-old when she lost her right front leg after stepping on a landmine.
Close to death, she was rescued and brought to the Friends of the Asian Elephant hospital in Lampang, Thailand, where she got her first prosthetic leg in 2007.
Her home in a tropical jungle in the north of the country, near the Cambodian border, is an orphanage for elephants.
Her keeper said that before the first leg was fitted she was "depressed, self-conscious and wouldn't socialise". But now the animal is getting more confident and likes to play with the other elephants

Her keeper Soraida Salwala said: "When Mosha first saw her artificial leg she was scared of it.
"But as soon as the doctors put it on and she felt she could put some weight on it she didn't want to let them take it off."
The prosthesis, made out of plastic, sawdust and metal, helps her keep her balance and is only removed when she sleeps.
"Mosha should live many long, happy elephant years," Ms Soraida added."

... and i certainly hope to read more and more positive stories like this one!

Please read the full story HERE and check out the clip below - Mosha getting ready to walk with her new leg:


- Landmine victim Mosha is back!
- Thai Elephant Conservation Center (Lampang, Thailand)
- The Elephants Umbrella Fund
- Torture in Thailand
- Free Lucky @ Animal Voice

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