For me, being aware that more people are showing signs of compassion and empathy towards our animal family, it's certainly something that gives me more hope.
One of the main questions i read often in those messages, is "How can I help? What can i do to help the animals?" - so, i thought to make a 'little' practical guide where many and many tips, advises and ideas are listed - going from general issues to more specific subjects as to how to write a protest letter, how to recognize and help with animal abuse, how to help to stop the cruel fur-trade, vivisection etc.
Most of the material here provided comes from articles taken from different websites, which are linked at the end of each part (i have to apologize if some references are missing... i just culdn't trace back to the original font).
A 'Big Thanks!' goes to the people behind these sites;
because of them it's possible for all of us to gain so much important information that help us realize the reality of the facts, and give us a chance to make better & more compassionate choices from now on.
Know the facts. Read animal rights books and other literature. Visit animal rights websites. Join an animal rights organization.
The more you know, the more you can spread the word.
Go vegetarian or vegan. By doing so, you will be directly saving animal lives. The more people eat meat, the more animals are killed so that people eat them.
The only motive for killing animals for food is profit. Do not fund animal cruelty.
Boycott activities and products that involve animal cruelty.
Let the organizations or companies know that you are boycotting them because you are against animal cruelty.
Write letters to the press about animal rights. Be clear, concise and factual. But please note that exaggeration will not help the animal protection cause.
Unfortunately there is enough animal cruelty around without having to "invent" or exaggerate cruelty. Once exaggerated claims are discovered, you will lose credibility. Always quote the source if you are quoting information from other people or organizations. If what you write is only your opinion, let it be known.
Join an animal protection organization which helps abandoned animals. Do voluntary work with an animal welfare organization.
Give a donation. If you have the time and resources, adopt an abandoned animal.
Take an active part in animal protection activities, protests and demonstrations. Show everyone you care.
Lobby politicians to legislate and provide an animal-friendly environment.
Write directly to politicians and/or write letters to the press giving suggestions, complaints, and where due, praise. Politicians are elected by our votes.
They have the duty to listen. Use your vote wisely. Cross vote (vote for candidates from different parties), but make sure you vote only for politicians who care and work for animal rights. Do not vote for politicians who support, practice or do not care about animal cruelty.
By cross-voting, you will make it possible that candidates who care about animals get elected, making it possible to have an animal-caring parliament.
Report acts of animal cruelty to the police (there is a link to their website on the index page). Follow the case to see if anything is done about your report.
It would also be helpful to write about the cruelty to the press, but if you mention names, make sure you have proof.
Carry rescue supplies in your car. You never know when you'll come across an injured animal who may linger in agony for hours or days without help. Have an animal carrier or a big box, towels, gloves, a leash, a net, etc. And don't forget phone numbers for vets, emergency clinics, police, wildlife rehabilitators, etc.
Remember your own safety in all situations and call someone for help if needed.
Let others know about Animal Rights.
1. Every time you buy a product, you send a message to that company. Make your message that you will only buy products that are cruelty-free. If enough people do this we'll see only cruelty-free products in the future, and that means less suffering for animals. For a list of cruelty-free companies, call NEAVS (617-523-6020).
2. Write to companies that still test their products on animals and let them know that you won't buy their products until they stop.
At the of this topic there are links to websites that list those companies.
Write to your Senators and Representatives urging them to support animal protection legislation.
3. Spread the word. It's as easy as putting a bumper sticker on your car or wearing a button on your shirt. You can raise the awareness of hundreds of people.
Educate friends and family. Give them literature, show them a video, or just be an example of a compassionate life. Don't be frustrated if they don't all "get it." Remember the ripple effect--if one other person gets influenced, then he or she may influence another, who may influence another, and so on.
4. Learn the facts about vivisection. You already know that animal experimentation is cruel; do you also know that it's scientifically unsound?
For a free book list, call NEAVS.
5. Educate others on the topic of vivisection. Set up a display at your public library. NEAVS will send you a free library kit to get you started.
6. Educate the educators in your town that dissection is a thing of the past. There are hundreds of superior ways to learn anatomy and physiology without cutting up animals that are killed specifically for classroom dissection. Call NEAVS to receive "Beyond Dissection", a catalog that lists over 350 alternatives to dissection.
7. Arrange to have a speaker knowledgeable about animal protection talk at your library or club. Call NEAVS to arrange a presentation.
8. Make sure your charitable donations are not going to wasteful animal experimentation. NEAVS will send you a list of organizations that don't conduct animals experimentation. Remember to let medical charities know why you will or will not contribute to them.
9. Become a vegetarian. You drastically lessen your chances of heart disease and many other illnesses.
If more people adopted this healthy lifestyle, less unnecessary experiments on animals would occur.
The fork is the most dangerous Weapon of Mass Destruction when it comes to animals. Consider replacing all animal flesh, dairy, and eggs with the abundant delicious and healthy alternatives that are available today. We can choose compassion every time we have a meal. It's that easy!
10. If you have the time, money and love that is required to give a companion animal a good home, please adopt a dog or cat from a shelter.
In addition, spay or neuter your dog or cat companions, and let your friends know why they should. Over 17,000,000 dogs and cats are euthanized every year in shelters across the USA because there are not enough homes for them all.
From Vol. 80, No. 1, of NEAVS (New England Anti-Vivisection Society) member's magazine.
NEAVS Online
- PETA's Action Centre
- PETA - Helping Animals
- PETA - Caring Consumer
- Choose Cruelty Free
- Adopt a College - Leafleting Project
- API - Take Action
- Respect for Animals - Get Involved
- End Misery - Help put a Stop to Puppy Mills
- Total Liberation - Activism
- Viva - Get Active
- Ask Carla - Caring Consumer
- Petion Corner at Animal Voice
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